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The Edit

     With more footage in our possession, I started the process of weeding out what we do and don't want. Because the last filming day was so fun, we got a lot of footage we don't necessarily need. However, the clips we did get felt very authentic and natural. This was very important to the direction I wanted to take in the film. I wanted to ensure that the characters felt like real people. Thankfully, the actors were able to deliver that with ease. I started with a mock-up of the opening that I had made previously. Using that as a base, I compiled the clips that were reshot and replaced the previous takes that weren't up to par. After this was done, I continued trying different methods to add the titles and names. I have a general idea of what I want, but I'm still open to changes. Because I haven't heard back from anyone I emailed for music, I searched for royalty-free music that could be implemented into the project. I primarily used Youtube for this. When all the footage is compiled, I will conduct a much more thorough search for the music. With the rough draft of the opening finalized, I set my sights on starting the mock-up for the training montage. I found that many of the clips were longer than needed, so I clipped them when needed. We did not end up needing all the footage we had. This was expected, but I was still surprised by how much we had left. As we continue to film, the montage will most likely be cut down further for time. For now, I kept it at roughly thirty seconds. With the opening and the montage outlined, I plan on only making simple edits when we get more footage since most of the work has already been done.
