After the project has finally been completed, it’s time to reflect on my experiences. This is my creative critical reflection for the final task. I’m grateful for this experience and how it has improved my skills both as a producer and collaborator.
The group has several ideas on what we should make our video about. We have narrowed them down to three in order to make the decision easier for ourselves. The first pitch surrounds two high athletes that play volleyball. The two are inseparable, but different in nature. One was always extremely passionate about volleyball, determined to improve and become a major player of the sport. For convenience, we will call this character Character A (or CA for short). The other character was never very interested in sports and was more intrigued by online endeavors (phones, gaming, etc.). This character will be called Character B (or CB). One day, CB is sitting on the stairs on his phone when CA is going down them. CA drops the volleyball in his hand, yelling for CB to watch out as it moves towards him. CB is caught off guard, dropping his phone as the yelling startles him. Miraculously, he is able to pass the ball back to CA perfectly and catch his ...
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